Trustworthy and Reliable Pest Control Solutions


The Reliable Pest Control Experts in Your Area

One of the worst things about managing a property, be it your home or office, is dealing with pest infestations. They can surprise you in the worst of times, and dealing with them can be the greatest trouble ever. When you need timely and efficient pest control services, we are here to help. Bethlehem Pest Control has decades of experience in the pest removal industry, and we know how to handle even the most complicated problems. You can read expert tips on our Blog. Here is what we can do for you!

Our Services

Pest Control

Pest Control
No matter how big your property, you can trust our exterminators to efficiently rid you of common and uncommon insects. This includes roaches, earwigs, fleas, bed bugs, ants, termites, spiders, even small rodents, and other insects. We recommend calling us as soon as you notice your place has been infested to reduce possible damage.

Termite Control

Termite Control
To begin with, we will assess the conditions that make your property susceptible to wood-destroying insects, such as termites, and we will minimize the risk of further damage. Whether you have noticed termite activity in your current home in Bethlehem, PA or are planning on buying a property, getting our termite extermination team on the job will give you that much-deserved peace of mind.

Bed Bug Extermination

Bed Bug Extermination
Bed bugs are, by far, one of the most difficult problems to eradicate quickly. At Bethlehem Pest Control, we manage to handle the task in a timely manner because each bed bug exterminator on our team begins by finding the root of the problem and the cause of the infestation, followed by employing all resources into exterminating the intruders.

Cockroach Extermination

Cockroach Extermination
Roaches are a problem like no other. They like humid places and are extremely difficult to eradicate. Our pest removal team will inspect the infested areas and choose the best extermination solution given the situation. Once we are done, you can forget all about roaches surprising you in the hallway in the middle of the night or workday!

There When You Need Us

No matter how clean you keep your home or office, they can always fall victim to an infestation. When that happens, do not waste a second seeking professional help. Though you can save some money trying to DIY the extermination, that can bring several risks. For example, you can harm your health and property and invite even more pests to your home if you use the wrong products and methods. As an experienced pest exterminator, we know how to approach infestations and provide a lasting solution to the problem.

Trust ours experts for Reliable Pest Control

So, when you need a termite control service for your property in Bethlehem, PA, do not hesitate to call. We are here to offer reliable help. Contact us today!


Jun 15, 2021
by Jim E. Warrington on Bethlehem Pest Control
I can't thank you enough!

You are a lifesaver! I never thought I'd have to deal with termites, but I guess there's a first for everything. Thank you for exterminating them so quickly! Your pest control service is A+!

Bethlehem Pest Control
Bethlehem, PA 18018
Phone: (610) 865-4088

  • Pest Control
  • Termite Control
  • Bed Bug Extermination
  • Cockroach Extermination

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